Germplasm Template
This template is for importing germplasm into BMS. It has 3 worksheets.
- Description: Metadata about the list. LIST NAME, LIST DESCRIPTION and LIST DATE are the mandatory fields. Optional editing to support customization (see Codes below).
- Observation: Germplasm details. ENTRY (1,2,3 …n) and DESIGNATION (germplasm name) are mandatory.
- Codes: Provides optional column headers to customize germplasm details.

Type: XLS

Type: XLS
Crossing Template
This template allows to record crosses within and between studies, and allows individual crosses to be described by different methods.
- Description: sheet provides crossing record metadata. Description sheet editing is optional, such as to add to record additional variates.
- Observation: the plot number for the male and female plants is mandatory. Parental germplasm is tracked via nursery plot number.
- Codes sheet provides all the available users and breeding methods available.
- Study list: contains details that allow for location in the female nursery. All females are expected to reside in the designated nursery.

Type: XLS

Type: XLS
Trait Template
This template is for adding traits/variable to crop ontology of BMS. Each variable name is identified by 3 details. Only one ontology term can be associated with a combination of unique details.
- Property: What is being measured
- Method: How the variable is measured
- Scale: Categorical scale or unit of measure for the variable

Type: XLS

Type: XLS
Location Template
This template is for adding new locations to BMS. Available location types are specified in the template. Latitude and longitude need to be in coordinates.

Type: XLSX

Type: XLS
Import Design Template
This template is for importing trial design generated outside of the BMS. design template contains the 3 mandatory column headings. Edit the design template for adding other optional columns like REP_NO, BLOCK_NO etc. based on experimental designs.
- TRIAL_INSTANCE: Number corresponding to specific trial environments
- ENTRY_NO: Number corresponding to specific germplasm. The number of entries in the trial design file must equal the number of entries in the trial germplasm list.
- PLOT_NO: Plot number

Type: CSV

Type: XLS